How to Make a Human Figure with Lanyard | Bracelet Patterns

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Learn how to make a human figure out of lanyard from The Lanyard Ladies in this Howcast video.

Hi, I’m Colleen from the Lanyard Ladies, and today I’m going to show you how to make a lanyard person. The lanyard person is made in steps. The first step is going to be to make the arms. The arms, you will need two sets, four pieces of lanyard about 15 inches long, and you’re going to find the center, and you’re going to start the arms like you were starting a box stitch. I always like to put the white on the bottom. And you’re going to take the white lanyard from the bottom, and you fold it over in one direction.

And this other white folds in the opposite direction. Then you’re going to take the blue and go over the first white and under the second. And you’re going under the closed side of the white. And this blue goes over the first white and under the second, under the looped side of the white, and you pull it in. Two strings in each hand, and you pull it to form the box. the first stitch is always a box stitch. Now I’m going to take this from here and start the barrel stitch, which is going to turn into the arms. So you take the first blue, fold it over in the opposite direction to the right of the other blue. And the left blue goes up to the left side of the first blue.

And now you take your white, and you go over the first and under the second, and you’re going under the closed side because that’s what’s going to form the barrel. Over the first blue and under the second. And you’re going to continue this. You make eight barrel stitches to complete the arm, and then when you’re done you tie a knot. Then you’ll do the second arm. So we already have our arms made right here. The next step is to make the head. For the head I’m gong to need four pieces of lanyard, about 20 inches in length. And you’re going to find the center and take, I use the white one the end, and I cross it underneath the other three pieces.

And I start again. This is like starting a multi-box. You fold the white over in the opposite direction, and this white goes over in that opposite direction. And you start weaving the purple. Starting with the purple, because I’m going to go under the closed side of this white one. Over and under. And this purple goes over and under. Now we take the blue. We’re going to go over and under. And this blue goes over the first white and under the second. And now this pink is going to go over the first white and under the second one. And this pink is over the first white and under the second. Now you take the side strings, three in each hand, then the white ones, and you pull to the side. Pull the white. You pull to the side. And you pull the white until it forms a box. Sometimes it doesn’t always come out so nice at first, but you wiggle it into place. Look at that. It looks beautiful. There’s your starting stitch. So from here, you’re going to continue doing your barrel. So this white is going to come down to the right of this white, and this goes up to the left. And I’m going to start weaving under this white here, because that’s the closed loop. So the purple’s going over the first and under the second white. And this purple comes over the first and under the second. Now the blue. Over the first, under the second. And this blue comes over the first white and under the second.

Now we’re going over the first and under the second. And over the first and under the second. And we’re going to pull all these strings together. Okay. Now this is the second stitch. You’re going to do eight stitches of these as well to create the head. And here I have eight stitches of the head already completed. So now we’re going to attach the arms. Once you have your eight barrel stitches done, you need to attach the arms. So you turn it upside down. And the first thing you’re going to do is you’re going to take one of the arms. You’re going to put it on the outside of this white string, and you pull it down. The reason I say outside, because when we move this over, if it was on the inside it would get in the way of making the rest of the body for the boxes. So that’s the outside of that white string, and this blue one is going to do the same on this side. I’m going to feed it along on the outside. If you have a hard time getting the lanyard through the arm, you can always cut a little point on the end to help you through.

Okay. So now we have our arms attached. We’re going to continue now with the box stitch, because the body is the box stitch. So you’re going to start looping the whites, one in one direction and one in the other. And we start weaving the side stitches, ove
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